Dear World, stop it already!

Nimble Otter
2 min readJan 9, 2024


girl annoyed at the world

Stop it already. Just stop!

Seriously, what in the hell are you up to? I mean, yes, I get it, life was never meant to be easy, but the junk you’ve been throwing lately, it’s beyond the scale of reasonable or even marginally acceptable. Did you get bored or something? Looking for a new kick?

I keep pedaling forward on my little bike while you keep tossing curveballs like an all-star pitcher on steroids. A pandemic? Really? Just when we thought 2020 could get no worse, you toss at us wildfires, political unrest, economic instability, more violence, and increasing mental health issues. Heartwarming stuff, world, splendid.

Japan? Earthquake? Day 1 of the new year?! That plane thing on day 2? World. Come on. You used to be a bro.

Life was supposed to be less erratic and more manageable, wasn’t it? Weren’t we supposed to have learned something over the countless millennia of evolution? The rampant social and economic inequalities; the swelling ego of superpowers; the ongoing destruction of our planet for the sake of “development”; aren’t we better than surviving crisis after crisis — out of the frying pan into the fire?

You’ve got me wishing for a time machine. Yes, going back to simpler times — not perfect, but seemingly more mundane, makes more sense. Climbing trees, splashing around in rain puddles, laughing till our bellies hurt. Happiness was in the little things, remember?

One question. Did you lose the manual somewhere, world? Because it seems something is messed up. Catastrophically.

But look, world, we need changes. Not of the “new year, new me”, but some real stuff. Actions that shift the skyline. I propose we need a bit more kindness thrown around, more trees, less greed, perhaps a little less “me time” [except at work, because come on] and a lot more “we time,” a tad more thoughtfulness, and oh, a great deal less of saints in suits.

World, you’re a splendid stage, intricately set. But the players, well, they’re all improvising the wrong parts. The audience is confused, the plot is lost, and it feels like the curtain is about to fall.

Can we read the manual again, start from scratch? Make this a journey worth the distance, maybe?

With Love, Frustration, and a Dash of Desperate Hope,
Same sam.



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